Kehidupan Baru ✈
lepas SPM sampai laa ni, memang takde mood nak cara blog ni. rasa malas yang amat sangat. tapi hari ni feel free to share my new story. my new life as student of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. before this, UniSZA is known as UDM (Universiti Darul Iman) and most people called KuSZA (Kolej Sultan Zainal Abidin).
Alhamdulillah dapat belajar kat sini, actually I not really care which university would I go. Since, my village at Tganu Darul Iman so I decided to take diploma kat sini. My course Al Quran As Sunnah from Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam (FKI).
Memang segalanya baru kat sini, I do not mean barang baru but new experience since I'm not hostel's student. Dont how to manage my daily schedule, without my parents around me. I tried and still try to be the great student in all aspects.
Tetapkan niat wahai hati, bahawa kau datang ke UniSZA untuk menuntut ilmu Allah. Sesungguhnya jikalau hati ini bersih dan ikhlas ingin menimba makrifah Allah in syaa Allah, Allah will ease everything for u :)
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neapolitan ice cream &
1950's Argyle.